Pictures from our 2022 Veteran Masters Tournament

Thank you so much to the 5 Ladies and 5 Mens teams that played out a fantastic tournament over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Here is a flavour of the weekend. The Mens tournament was won by Sussex All Stars recording an unbeaten record with Yorkies finishing 2nd after a 1-1 draw with Sussex and only slipping up against Millfield OBs. On the Ladies side, Land Girls won all 4 games including a 2-1 win over Girls on Fire who finished 2nd unbeaten across their other 3 games, just edging out the Maidens of Mayhem. The matches were closely fought in a competitive yet social atmosphere with points also shared across touring teams Handbags Rock, Gin & Chronics and of course the hosting Worthing Mens and Ladies teams. See you all next year !!